Promotion, promotion, promotion!

We’re almost there! Where you ask? Well, the 2nd of July of course, which is the date when we’ll unleash the new Rations EP Martyrs and Prisoners upon your eyes, ears and greedy record players. And let me tell you, it’s all been worth the wait. I’ve put together a little promo video where you can hear the third track My magnificent sea while watching some crazy clips from one of my favourite movies. Can you guess which one?


The fourth release is now confirmed

Well, it’s already Friday and I’ve been spending the day in class and in the park because it’s a hell of a sunny day here in Gothenburg today.

As I’ve told you before I was sure about the upcoming three JCR releases, but as of Monday I can now report that there are now four releases confirmed. In other words keep an eye on this page because there will soon be some updates on what bands or/and artists that are gonna be a part of the ever growing JCR family.

I gotten a few e-mails about releasing peoples stuff and I’m always open for almost anything when it comes to lending a helping hand, but won’t be entering in any new things until at least three of these four releases are actually out. After that we can start talking again. Also, what I can tell you right now is that there won’t be any CD releases through JCR, since I want to support my favourite format, the almighty vinyl. Maybe there’ll be some cassette releases down the road too, just for the analog hell of it.

Until next time, stay in touch and remember to support the DIY movement before the $$$ one.

We’re alive!

jcrstor.jpgWelcome to Judas Cradle Recordings, which is a small records label with one thing in mind, to help good bands to get their music on vinyl. At the moment we’re working with 20+ labels to make sure the upcoming Rations EP Martyrs and Prisoners can see the light of day. This is how we intend to work with every release, because together we can become a counter culture and not just stand on the sidelines as a subculture.

If you are running a label or just want to help out to release records in the future get in touch and I’ll put you on my contact list for future projects. No high horses in sight, just a lot of high aims.